Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Daddy's first day of vacation

Bath time can be tough on a little guy!!

Daddy and baby are still sleeping while I enjoy my coffee and bagel, so I figure it was time for a small update. First all, little mister slept 6 hours straight last night and we had to wake him for a feeding.. off to a good start I hope?

Yesterday was Eric's first day of his vacation and it is so wonderful having him home. We got up, I had to have my coffee (non decaf thankfully) and while I showered Eric fed the baby then we got him ready for a bath since he was having newborn photos taken. My fantastic husband let me get ready while he did the bath and got the baby ready... have I mentioned how wonderful my husband is and how he is such a great daddy? He even takes Brody to the mens bathroom to change him when we are out and about. Anyway, we got ready and headed to LR to have newborn photos taken by Kristin Hollensworth and I cannot wait to see them. She was so good with our little man and he was such an angel, didn't cry once the entire two hours we were messing with him. Afterwards, we headed to Five Guys for lunch ( not good for my post baby diet) and then went to the doctor to see how the little man has been growing...... and drumroll please..... we are up to 7lbs. 4oz, 2oz more than birth weight. Way to go Brody!! We may have been an ounce or two less because he wet his diaper on the way to the scale and we didn't know until after, but none the less he is back to the 7 lb. mark and we are excited about it.

Confession... I find myself crying here and there because I am sad my baby is changing so much so fast and is already 11 days old. And then I sometimes cry just because I am so happy to have him here and in my arms, while missing his kicks in my belly at the same time. I can thank those crazy hormones for this one!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week One Down

We have officially been home with our new baby one week as of today and things could not be better! Our lives have changed so much in the past nine days and it has all been for the better. I told Eric that ours lives must have been boring before the baby and that now that he is here, I can't imagine a life without him. Though we are new at this, I feel like we have gotten off on a wonderful start.

My parents took the week off when we got home and spent it with me at our house while Eric went back to work. It was nice to have them around to help out with all the things that had been left undone when we left for the hospital at 6am to go have our little miracle. We had a lot of visitors to come meet Brody and were able to get out of the house quite a few times which was nice. Today, Eric and I took Brody to church and he did fabulous!! The loud music only startled him once and then he was right back out. It was of course lunch time for him and he can be a bit of a noisy eater, so I hope we didn't disturb too many people. All in all I think the trip to church went great and he enjoyed every bit of it. This week will be the BEST week because Eric has the week off to spend with us and we will end it with his birthday on Saturday and have people over to watch the Hogs play. Brody will be sporting his Razorback gear ready to cheer on those Hogs. Tomorrow we have newborn pictures scheduled and have to go by the doctors office for a weigh in. Brody has changed so much in a week and I'm pretty sure he is back to his birth weight. His little tummy and cheeks are starting to fill out nicely.

Our sleep hasn't been too affected either. We usually put him down around 8:30 - 9:00 and he gets up at 11 to eat and then every four hours after. We usually have to wake him to eat, but he lets us know its getting time when he starts making tiny little noises trying to fight waking up. One night he even slept five hours straight...ooops!! He eats around every 3-4 hours during the day as well and sleeps A LOT!!! He was awake longer at church than he has been at a time the entire week.

Bath time has been an experience, mommy has been peed on twice now but it is all worth it and I am getting everything on camera!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Brody is here

The best thing has happened since my last post..... Brody made his debut on August 20, 2010 at 6:53 pm weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches long. He is perfect in our eyes. I woke up with contractions at 4am and waited it out for a bit and then headed to the hospital. I, of course had to make sure my hair and makeup was done before we left. I had told people I was going to do so and nobody believed I would, but really weren't shocked that I did. We had some family and friends with us during the long day and at the end we were blessed with this precious bundle. We are very blessed and than God everyday for a happy, healthy baby. I never knew I could love someone so fast but I have more love for this little man that I thought my heart could handle. I also fell more in love with my husband that day as well. He is such a good dad and I couldn't ask for anything better than our little family of three.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

trying to stay busy

As the days come close to my actual due date, I am becoming VERY impatient. I have been at home on semi bed rest for 30 days now!!!! I had the chance to go back to work half days but it really wasn't going to work out for us with the way our benefits are set up and we all thought Brody would be making his debut sooner rather than later. Last night and today have been by far the worst, I am so tired of being pregnant and have tried EVERYTHING to help this labor process begin. It's even more frustrating that I have so much pre-term and false labor in the weeks before and now everything seems to be going VERY S-L-O-W!!! I know he will come when he is ready but I feel like I am going crazy. My house is clean, his clothes are clean, folded and put away nicely and I even mowed our back field today with the supervision of the hubs of course!

I go to the doctor tomorrow and will hopefully receive an induction date or some good news at least. Until then I just pray for patience and something to keep me busy. Eric has left for work today so it's just me and the pups till he gets home. And to top it all off, I've been waiting on a package from UPS all day too!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

38 weeks

Went to the doctor yesterday for my appointment and it was good and bad. Well bad for me, is all.

- I've gained way more than I ever thought I would ...BAD
- I'm still only 1cm and still have a little thickness in my cervix.... I guess GOOD and BAD
- No talk of induction till 39 weeks...BAD
- The baby looks great.... GOOD!!!

I know he will come when he is ready but mommy is getting impatient and I'm just so ready to have him on the outside.

Let's hope the trainer at the gym has a good post-baby workout plan for me when I get back!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Game time approaching?

I am so behind on this blogging thing. You would think with all the bed rest I have had, blogging would be something I could do more often. However, when you're stuck inside on most days there isn't much excitement going on.

We are nearing the end and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel which hopefully means it will be game time soon. I am so ready to meet this little baby of ours and see how he looks, hear his little sounds and just get to know him on the outside of my tummy. We have had so much false labor it is ridiculous and makes for some LONG sleepless nights. I say WE because poor Eric has had to endure it as well. If I'm up having contractions, he is up with me the entire time. Our four legged child, Jackson also gets up with us during all the fuss. Friday night it went one from about 1:30 - 4:00. It finally settled down after the nurses told me to take a warm bath, drink A LOT of water and lay on my side. I did all of this, got some relief and therefore some more sleep. The next night however was a different story. I got up at 2:00 with the contractions and LOTS LOTS LOTS of pressure. I tried the bath, water side combo again but with no luck. Still contracting and still pressure. So after around three hours, I got up and got ready to go. Once we got in the car, things started to settle down so I got a little frustrated. We continued to the hospital since it did get closer, stronger and so on but upon arrival things slowed down AGAIN!!! I stayed a few hours and was sent back home on bed rest and was able to get some sleep. Yesterday I was very uncomfortable and started showing all those late signs in pregnancy that they say means your labor is approaching soon, so fingers crossed to have a baby soon and very soon!

Hopefully my next post will include a picture of our little boy!