So I've decided all these random little bursts in my belly are Brody's hiccups. He gets them ALL THE TIME, but I think they are cute. We had our 4D ultrasound last week and have decided that he possibly looks like me in the face but will probably have his Daddy's structure. We are thankful for that too because I'd hate for the little man to be as short as his mommy is!! We know that we can't really tell how it will all turn out just by the images but it was so amazing to see every little detail of his body. I, of course can't stop looking at the pictures of his little face. He is so amazing to me already.
I went back to the doctor last week and had my glucose test and passed with flying colors! They are wanting to check my H/H to make sure I am not becoming anemic. I was supposed to be checked for that on the same day but someone made a mistake in the process and it was not ordered. I will be heading there at some point tomorrow to have it done. The visit with the doctor went great and she says I am still measuring a week ahead so I am technically 31 weeks if you go by the original appointment in January but 32 weeks if you go by all my measurements. 32 weeks sounds so much better to me.
Brody is head down, around 3.5 lbs and around 15inches!! My little baby is growing rapidly!! We got our glider in last weeks as well as a green rug that looks so perfect in his room. I find myself spending A LOT of time in there these days and can't wait till my little man occupies some space as well.
I'll leave you with a picture of me at 31/32 weeks
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