Sunday, January 22, 2012

If looks could kill....

If looks could kill...

.... You would be safe with this mean face!!!
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Friday, January 20, 2012

17 months

My oh my, how time flies!!!!

Brody, I cannot believe
that you are 17 months today. You have brought so much joy to our lives and we are so glad God chose us to be your parents. You are a funny, sweet, easy going boy but very curious and busy busy busy!

You weigh 25lbs and are 31inches tall. That's half as tall as your mommy!! Ha! You are wearing 12-18 months clothes, size 4 or 5 shoes and size 4 diapers. You have a pretty good routine and your favorite things right now are your trains, balls, shapes box and Mickey Mouse. You say dada, momma, yes, this, that and on occasion Jack, dog, please. We have heard you say Papa a few times but you haven't mastered it just yet. You have your own way of saying drink when you are thirsty and trying to get us to know so. You also love to read! You will go in your room to get a book any chance you can.

We can't wait to see how much you grow this coming month!!
Mommy and Daddy

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Year... New looks

Let me start by saying, I've still been quite the slacker. I just downloaded the blogpress app in hopes I may get some more blogging done from here on out.

So it's a new year and for almost everyone this means new things. New goals, new looks, and all those resolutions. I have started back to the gym and eating right. I've decided to make that lifestyle change again since it kind of got away from our family when we had Brody. I have promised myself to lose 25 pounds this year. That will put me back at the healthy weight from when getting married.

Also, in this new year we decided to finally work on our kitchen and give it an updated look. My husband has been working so hard this week and has painted cabinets, closed in an extra window with shelves and a place to hang our wine glasses and put down new baseboard. Now we just have to pick a wall color and start on them. Here is the new area which also shows the new color of cabinets. I am in LOVE with this!!

In the excitement of today and all things paint, my sweet little man started running a fever. We took him to the doctor only to find out.... He has strep. This is round two in the past six months and we don't even use daycare yet! We got some scripts, had some cuddle time and he will hopefully be back to normal in the morning!

We can't let a post go without his sweet face, so here is what he has been up to lately. Fun at the park enjoying this fabulous weather!!

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